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SonTreasure Island SonTreasure Island

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SonTreasure Island

Posted on Tue, May 2, 2006

VBS July 30th - August 4rd

Vacation Bible School:

July 30th - August 3rd

Fisher Camp Picnic:

Friday,August 4 @ 6p.m. @ Fisher Baptist Camp

Director Deanna Clark and Assistant Annica Swisher invite ALL AGES to join them at Son Treasure Island. There's treasure on this island at Vacation Bible School beginning Sunday, July 30th, 6:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. through Thursday, August 3rd. More precious than gold, more lasting than diamonds, it's the greatest treasure of all - - - God's love! Each day the kids will learn how Jesus' life illustrates God's love as described in 1 Corinthians 13.

We will be doing iron-ons for tee-shirts for VBS. If you'd like to do a tee-shirt,

please bring in a white tee.

Be sure your name is on it so that we don't get them mixed up. Tee-shirts need to be brought in no later than July 16th. You can leave them in the Kindergarten class room or give them to me. Anyone wishing to help with VBS or help putting the iron-ons on the tees can call me at 269-7410. Your help will be greatly appreciated!

(Please contact Debbie Snyder 269-5396 to take a turn teaching for the Adult Class)

Join us at Fisher Camp Friday, August 4th, 6:00 p.m for the VBS picnic. The drinks, hot dogs and all the fixins' will be furnished. We just ask that you bring your favorite snack. There will be a treasure hunt, games and much more to enjoy! A VBS presentation will be held Sunday, August 6th during the 10:45 worship service.

- Deanna Clark, VBS Director

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