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First Baptist Church of Weston First Baptist Church of Weston

Ladies (>20 yo) Night Out (No Kids) Ladies (>20 yo) Night Out (No Kids)

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Ladies (>20 yo) Night Out (No Kids)

Posted on Sun, Aug 6, 2006


On Friday, August 18th, 6:00 p.m., the ladies of ages 20 and over are cordially invited to attend our "Ladies Night Out" at the Spiker's Bed and Breakfast out in the country. ABW Circle 3 is sponsoring the event. We request those that need a ride or directions to please meet at the church by 5:30 p.m.

(Sorry, no husbands, children or pets allowed! But, hey guys, this would be a great time to clean out the garage or tidy up the house for your wives!)

A cookout with ham, hot dogs, tea, lemonade and a chocolate fountain is provided. You may bring your lawn chair and favorite snacks, desserts or soft drinks to add!

Lots of fun games, kareoke, piano, singing, laughs and fellowship are planned. If you wish to participate in a Yankee Swap to be played early in the evening, we ask that you purchase a $2.00 - $5.00 gift and wrap the item or put in a paper bag.

This event is $25.00 toward house rental to stay all night. But if you only wish to spend the evening there is no fee to eat supper and fellowship but a small donation would be appreciated toward food.

We encourage you to come share this night out with other Christian ladies and we would love to have at least 25 in attendance! Please contact Pam Grose 269-7784 in the evening for more info or for a ride.

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