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First Baptist Church of Weston First Baptist Church of Weston


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Posted on Thu, Sep 6, 2007

A trip to Elkins, WV, for a train ride and a musical is being planned for October 20. We will leave the church at 9:30 am and return approximately 10:30 that evening. We will take the 4-hour, 46-mile trip on the New Tygart Flyer through the beautiful autumn forests of Randolph County to the inspirational "High Falls of Cheat" waterfall.

After the train ride, we will explore Elkins, have a leisure dinner, and attend a 2-hour musical at "The American Mountain Theater". It is a music and comedy stage show featuring country, gospel, bluegrass, 40’s & 50"s music.

The cost for both tickets will be approximately $45 - adults, $41 - seniors, and $29 - children ages 4-11. We can get a group discount for every 10 or more people attending. Please sign up on the sheet posted on the door in the education wing or call Debbie Snyder (269-5396) by Wednesday, September 5th.

   Discussion: FALL TRIP PLANNED

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