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Beating Busyness Beating Busyness

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Beating Busyness

Posted on Sun, Oct 7, 2007

This is a special invitation to everyone who would like to attend our 6 week fellowship, BEATING BUSYNESS. There is a sign up sheet and many of you have simply told us of your intention to join us and have already received your book. We are so excited about this fellowship, but you need to read the book first. And, for those of you who are wondering - we are not going to teach. We are all going to share!!! We promise if you open your hearts and minds you will receive a blessing from this group, or, perhaps you will be a blessing to someone else. Together we will learn, pray, fellowship, and yes, probably laugh as we grow closer to our Lord Jesus. Here’s a little ironic story: At work, the invitation was extended to a lady who is very stressed, does not have a church home, and experiences trials everyday. Her response was, "I’m too busy to come on Sunday nights." She immediately realized what she had just said . . . and I am praying she decides to join us. Even if you have no stress in your life; never find yourself too busy, believe you make the right choices, and ALWAYS do everything with guidance from our Loving Lord, you can still come!

If you plan to attend and have not received your book, just let us know. We’ll be starting on October 14th at 4:30 p.m. Although there will not be a dinner on this particular Sunday night, there will be some goodies to eat while we meet so everyone will be able to enjoy the performance by the Chanticleer Choir immediately following at 6:00 p.m. We will meet for dinner on October 21st, 28th, November 4th, 11th and 18th in the Fellowship Hall. At 6:30 p.m. we will meet for our sessions. Let’s praise and thank God for this wonderful opportunity. God bless all of you! - Debbie Frick and John Hall

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