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New Church Organist New Church Organist

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New Church Organist

Posted on Fri, May 29, 2009

Jessica Houser

We are pleased to announce the addition of a new organist to our church family.  Jessica Houser will begin her duties as church organist on Sunday, June 7. She hails from Shenandoah Junction, WV, and is a senior at West Virginia Wesleyan College in Buckhannon where she is majoring in music education.

Jessica is a 2005 graduate of Jefferson High School where she was a member of the band, and was actively involved in various music-related activities. 

We extend appreciation to Mildred Wickland for being temporary organist. She came in during the week and practiced so she could be ready for Sunday morning and we appreciate her faithfulness. The organ prelude always adds such a solemn and relaxing opening that gives worshipers the time to mentally set aside worldly cares and focus attention on spiritual matters. 

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