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Kitchen Renovations
Posted on Mon, Jul 13, 2009
FBC will again be “under construction” as the second phase of our renovations is scheduled to begin soon. We appreciate Tim Kerns who will complete the electrical wiring. The cabinet maker will be here in mid July to refurbish the kitchen cabinets. The cabinets will have new doors and hardware, and new counter tops. The best part of this is the installation of a new base cabinet beside the ranges. They will be moved to the outer wall and the new cabinet will be installed beside them. This is good news for everyone who has used those stoves because it will be much more convenient to have a work space beside the ranges.
Raffle tickets are still available to all who would like to be the proud owner of a beautiful oak blanket chest. It was hand made and donated by Bob Fultineer and he did a fantastic job. It is beautiful!
Forward in Faith Building Fund Committee will be compiling a cookbook as a fund-raiser, and we hope that you will help us with recipes. We are hopeful to be able to publish some of those “grandmas favorite recipes”. Feel free to submit up to five “tried and true” favorites. We do ask that you please double check them for accuracy. Modern cooks aren’t good with a “dab of this” or “a pinch of that”. If your grandmother, aunt, or other special person in your life had a favorite recipe and you would like to submit that recipe “in honor of” or “in memory of” that would be great.
We need to have the recipes by August 10 in order to have the cookbooks in print by mid October. A cookbook would make a wonderful Christmas gift!!
Feel free to drop off your recipes at the church office or give them to Linda Turner (304 269-7529 650 Davisson Drive, Weston, WV 26452) or Maryanne Postlethwait (304 269-5209 316 Gaston Manor Road, Jane Lew, WV 26378).
A few other building projects at the church are organ repair, bathroom facility off the kitchen, and speakers in the nursery. Thanks so much for your prayers and recipes!
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