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What a Trip! What a Trip!

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What a Trip!

Posted on Thu, Dec 8, 2005

Geraldine Scott reports on the Gatlinburg, TN trip

What a Trip!

It was a clear cool November 10, 2005 morning when twenty-three venturesome souls from the First Baptist Church set forth toward Gatlinburg, Tennessee. A caravan of the church van and three other vehicles. The cell phones were busy. Great communicating!

The van temperature varied. Becky, up front, "Turn the heat up John", Helen in the back, "Turn the heat down John".

Well look, first stop! Walmart, Summersville. Kim was overcome with excitement.

We press on, rest stop, next, coffee, so it's just stop and go. Finally, we get to Wytheville. Cell phones buzzing. Which turn off? Now, that's settled, so we head for the Apple Barn way over there, so we truck along stopping and starting and eventually we arrive at the Barn. Where one can leave all the cash you want to spend, so long as it is apple connected from jewelry to bread. Alas, a shake up! A shop lifter, one of ours, too! All we know is Nancy came in from the outside carrying a jar of apple butter. Just ahead of security, she paid for it! It's here we eat supper/dinner depends on which way one thinks. Anyway, what a meal! Now, pass the Zantac. Charlie forgot his, John to the rescue.

Amid three or four lanes of bumper to bumper traffic, we arrive at Gatlinburg Super 8 Motel. Sonya already there with her crew, it seems she managed to be "on first" all the time. Good girl, but why the rush? That stuff has been there for years and it is going no place now. Jeff sets the step-stool down for the last time today - he hopes. Has been riding shot gun all day and is worn out. John has missed hitting only one truck as he looked for 401 or was it 407?

According to reports, Debbie Taylor and Geraldine have the deluxe of Super 8. Most spacious, cleanest, equipped with refrigerator and microwave. Did they complain??!! But wait, much later, Jim Bill finds one with a hot tub, none of ours, so what else was in there, huh?

Some need to stretch their legs so Debbie Snyder, Sonya, Brenda, Brook and Alicia head for town with the promise of a ride in the van back to the room. The boys let them walk all the way, pulled up beside them and ask if they could give them a ride. Jeff asked, "How much it would cost us?" Just then, a lady was crossing the street. She looked at them, then at the van

with the church name and address. Nothing like good advertisement! Jim Bill says, "Get in, I am Charlie Stout!" The lady sped away. Who was he talking to?

Since Deanna arrived in a block of ice, she chose to remain in the confines of her room, thaw, and watch H.G.T.V. - Smart move, for this evening.

Allison hosted Dominoes in her domain - quite popular or so rumor has it, but the Pastor said she spent a lot of money. Wonder how she did that?! But, it's holiday time and the lights are dazzling, spirits are high, so is everything else.

We all toured the Christus Gardens. That renewed our sense of appreciation for our Lord and Savior.

After some deliberation, Nancy, Geraldine, Thelma, Charlie and Jim Bill kissed Sharla good-bye with the promise of seeing her soon, either here or there and ride the sky lift. Why didn't more go?

Shopping took over from where we were to Pigeon Forge and back. In this shop over here, out there and way back yonder. Charlie and John took a different route. Anyone want to know about the Muscle Car Museum or those four old rusted up piles of junk? Ask them, and while you are at it, let them tell you about getting lost at the Pizza Place!!

We all stumbled back to Super Duper. Gotta rest a spell. We have a whole hour! O.K. Nancy comes in and says we leave at 6:15. Well, that cut it down a bit. Five minutes later, here she comes again, "We are leaving at 6:00. Thelma left her pills in a rest room where we were shopping." Well, that cut it down a lot! As we brush, fluff, spray paint, no time to change attire. That rest room is way past Dolly's place, but we made it and Thelma got her meds just in a nick-of-time. Our crowd had arrived at Dolly's. Now comes group picture time. We posed, yelled "Stampede" at the right time, shivered and guess what - picture no good! After the show, we had to do that again. Steven took many pictures, all good, so why did the professionals fail?

It was church night with five different Baptist groups and one off-brand. We enjoyed the Christmas show, live nativity with real camels and sheep, music, plus the parade of 12 horses and beautiful riders in color. Six green and six red. Green for north, red for south, or was it the other way around? Ryan needed catsup for his chicken. He goes all the way from here to there where Sharla is to get some from that supply she carries in her purse. Pay back time. He had given her the cherry from his pre-dinner boot drink. What a day!

Breakfast at The Log Cabin Pancake House with 286 other folks. There is where Geraldine and her last dime parted. Lesson - never depend on that Discover card to feed you in Tennessee!

John heard of bears in them thar hills. Oh, it's a must that we go bear hunting so, up Ole Smokey we go. Rocks, rills and thrills to the first level, but no bears, but there is a waterfall on up a walk trail 1.5 miles says the sign. The van is all that is left now. The others went on and we were already minus Allison, Kim, Rodney and Nolan. Seven set out to said waterfall. Helen, Nancy, Thelma and Charlie made it to the Falls - they said! Well, they were gone long enough to have been in the next state. Where were the other two groups? In the motel parking lot locked out of their room. Nature calls were answered when the cleaning girls unlocked the door to clean a room, any room! Two hours later, the van arrived with the mountain climbers. All together now. Get gas, get a drink, smoke a bit, go rest and we're off taking a short cut says John and Charlie. Why did we get to the Apple Barn after everyone else? Purchases were made there that were contemplated since the first visit. Nancy got away with it this time!

What next, oh the Pottery, the sign says that town is 55 miles away and it is 5:30 p.m.. We truck along and alas, we come upon a nasty looking wreck that held up traffic. The cell phones are in business again and now we learn the Pottery is closed at 6:00 p.m. and it is already 6:05 p.m., so that's over. But Charlie still wants fudge! He has whined for hours. Apple fudge might be delicious, so why didn't he get some at the Barn?!

Time for the Last Supper. We select the eatery and 12 of us gather around the one table. Nancy asked the blessing. We enjoyed the food the place and each other. Geraldine has a special bond with Helen here.

John is tired, his head hurts, so he stops for refreshments. When he returns to the van, there sits Geraldine in the driver's seat willing to carry on. Oh, he grabs his heart in shock and so does Charlie. Where is there appreciation these days?

Some changes expected in Jeff's life since hearing the pros and cons of matrimony, but does he qualify? Ask Becky!

We are still some hours from home so we press on, starting and stopping and arrived in Lewis County by 11:00 p.m. Tired but loving each other more than we ever did.

Thank you Lord for your love and care and a wonderful, well planned trip by Debbie and John Snyder.

- Submitted By Geraldine Scott

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