Posted on Tue, Nov 7, 2006:

Goal 100 boxes As of 11/05/06 96 boxes received!


Our goal is to collect 100 shoe box gifts and have received 76 so far. If you haven't had a chance to fill one yet, just pick up a brochure in a bulletin rack because we have extended the deadline to Sunday, November 5th! Please remember that the postage/handling fee is $7.00 and please make checks payable to "Operation Christmas Child". Thanks - Carla Pratt and Youth - for promoting this project of Samaritan's Purse and to YOU for your participation in bringing gifts of joy and the message of God's love to children around the world.

Operation Christmas Child Update

    Carla Pratt and the youth thank you for your participateion!  Thanks also to Ken and Allison Miller and Maryanne Postlethwait for delivering the shoeboxes to Clarksburg 11/13/06.


©2025, First Baptist Church of Weston