One of the most enjoyable events at the 142nd Annual Convention at South Parkersburg Baptist Church was the "Blessing Blitz".
Groups of West Virginia Baptists got up early and gathered at many different sites to bless others and thus glorify God. Some went to the schools to help students with math. Others prayed for local churches at the churches themselves; on location as you might say. Why there was even a team that went to the Family Crisis Center to rake leaves and clean windows.
Now you might be curious as to why we left the friendly confines of the South Parkersburg Baptist Church to bless others who did not even know that we were involved in a convention. The answer of course is so they would see in a tangible way the love of Christ in Christians, and perhaps see the fruit of those who are saved. A while back I was talking to one of my friends. I said I really like fishing on a private farm. It is quiet, no one is there and you are successful. He said "That is like a lot of our churches". If we want people to know the good news of salvation, and be saved to live the abundant life, we must do something in the community. It is a new day my friends. Just because the church doors are open does not mean people will come. We must go out in the world with the love of Jesus. So what can we do to help others see Jesus? Here is a list of opportunities:
1. Volunteer at school to help a child read or learn math.
2. Take a turn at the local hospital in the information center
3. Start a neighborhood Bible Study in our home.
4. Get a team to pick up trash in the community on a regular basis.
5. Have a free car wash.
6. Adopt a shut-in -- to meet needs and to help and encourage.
The possibilities to share our witness and love is endless. I remember growing up singing a little song. The song "They will know we are Christians by our love". It’s time to do more than just be present for Sunday worship. We must do something more to reveal the love of Christ. A "Blessing Blitz" is just the thing that we all need to be involved in. - In His Service, Ken