Pam Grose To Attend Mission Trip

Posted on Wed, Nov 5, 2008:

With Rev. John & Lisa Simmons

Dear Friends and Family in Christ,
As most of you have heard, I am planning to go to India in February 2009. I have been invited to go on a mission trip by John and Lisa Simmons, who work for the WV Baptist Convention. When I was first asked, I thought “I can’t do something like that.” Then I started praying about it. If this is the Lord’s will, then I am ready to go. I always wanted to go to Thialand since the Simmons family served there as missionaries. 
            The American Baptist Women’s 2008 Mission Outreach Project is the Tabitha Compassion Center, which is one of the places we will work. Since this will be an opportunity for American Baptist Women to have direct involvement in the mission field, several West Virginia ABW members are also taking this trip to heart and planning to go.
            The cost of this mission trip is $2600 and can be paid in monthly installments during the months of November, December, and January. I would very much appreciate assistance from all who feel led to help me in this endeavor.   Checks can be made to First Baptist Church and the church will send a check monthly to the Convention.  Please keep in mind that FBC Building Fund for the church renovations is our first priority at the present time. Our church has always been a mission-minded church and this opportunity is a “once in a lifetime.” So I feel it appropriate to give others the opportunity to share in this very worthy mission trip.
            Please keep the mission team in your prayers. 
                                                                                                In Christian Love,
                                                                                                Pam Grose
The Tabitha Compassion Center is a project sponsored by the Manipur Baptist Convention which is located in Manipur state in the northeast area of India. The Manipur Baptists are “coming to the edge” in this project which seeks to minister to women with AIDS. The goal is to show compassion and the love of Christ to these who are truly the “least.”
Those working with the Compassion Center go into the community to find these women and invite them to the Center. The Center itself is only a room in a very old, worn out building but has become a paradise for those women who have dared to come. Participants meet every morning for prayer, Bible study and conversation.  They have one manual knitting machine which several have learned to use to make items for sale. They have begun making beaded jewelry to sell as well.
 Mark 16:15 And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the
 gospel to every creature. He who believes and is baptized will be saved….

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