Discovering Your Gifts

Posted on Wed, Mar 2, 2005:

Thoughts from Rev. Miller

On Sunday, February 20th, the people at 6:00 p.m. worship took the Spiritual Gifts Survey from Church Growth Institute. The survey consists of 108 questions. The survey helped the people to ascertain their feelings about certain gifts mentioned in 1 Corinthians 12: 8-10. While the survey does not truly indicate a persons gift or gifts, it does help a person get in touch with his or her personal preferences for ministry.

Take my survey for instance. I scored high on personal shepherd/pastor and mercy showing. That means that I am someone who is keenly aware of other people and their needs, and I also enjoy helping people with their problems. So since these are perhaps my spiritual gifts, I am to be involved in such a way to use these gifts. The key is to begin serving so that I can find out for sure if this is the gift or gifts God has given me.

Others scored well in administration, giving, prophecy, serving, etc. So the next step for them is to start plugging into activities and events that will let them serve in their church - which is the only way to determine spiritual gifts. The truth is that when we use our gifts for God’s ministry we are actually participating in what God intended for us in the very beginning. Oh how exciting it is to actually do what we were created to do! And the more we do it, the more we grow and the more people are blessed and God is truly glorified.

If you would like to take this survey on your own, please let me know. The first step in ministry is find out what you feel good at

doing and them doing it for the Lord and his church. Let’s be sure use our gifts, because the Bible warns, to not use them puts us in the dangerous zone of losing them. -Mt 25:28

A Danish Proverb:

What you are is God’s gift to you and what you do with yourself is your gift to God.

"Since we find ourselves fashioned into all these, excellently formed and marvelously functioning parts in Christ’s body, let’s just go ahead and be what we were made to be."

- Romans 12:5

In His Service, Ken

©2024, First Baptist Church of Weston