Thoughts from Rev. Miller
As you live your life and do your work, understand that you fit into God's larger purpose. We are all one body working together to accomplish God's over all plan. We all have a gift we must use in Christ's church (your local church).-Ps 25:12;Jr 29:11Work: May the work we do bring us satisfaction as we accomplish things by the God given skills we have been blessed to receive. Be sure to celebrate your successful pursuits. Yes, sometimes work is hard, but when we work hard, we accomplish more, and are more fulfilled. God ordained humans to work. So have at it! -Ec 2:24; Ps 128:2
Physical Health: As a physical education major, I am uniquely aware of the importance of physical health. I remember also what an English Chaplain told me one day. "The longer you live, the more people you can witness to. After all, that's why Christ came to earth." -3 Jn 1:2; Dt 7:15; Mt 28:16-20
Peace of Mind: If you're troubled with too much pain and you can't quiet down the noise in your mind, find a friend (a Christian friend) to help you put this noise aside, quiet it down, so you can again do the Lord's work. As Rick Warren has said, "Self pity dries up any sympathy for anyone else. This is, of course, after you have asked God for this help."
-2 Th 3:16; Phil 4:6
Laughter: In "Mary Poppins" Ed Winn was the one who laughed. The more I laugh, the more I have glee" The more glee, the more merrier me. I know from my own experience, that laughter is one of the best medicines for any situation. Laughter makes you sorrows seem less sad. - Pr 17:22; Ec 9:7; Jr 31:13
Good Relationships: The truth is when we are on our death bed some day, we will not ask for our diplomas or trophies. We will think about how we treated the people closest to us. We can all do a better job of being friends and being a friend. Don't wait until it's too late! -Pr 17:17; Ec 4:9-12; Mt 5:23-24
Breathing Room: In this life, there are many things that compete for our time. Be sure to take advantage of the things that will uplift and refresh your life and soul. Don't let good things take away the best things.-Lk 10:40-42
Come to Church: As we have all learned this past year from Rick Warren's book, "We were fashioned for fellowship, created for community, and formed to belong." The church is the greatest institution on earth. It is Christ's bride. He wants you in it, and committed to it.-Mt 16:18; Eph 5:25
Have a great year, and join me in embracing these wonderful blessings.
In His Service,
COUNT your blessings instead of your crosses,
COUNT your gains instead of your losses,
COUNT your joys instead of your woes,
COUNT your friends instead of your foes,
COUNT your smiles instead of your tears,
COUNT your courage instead of your fears,
COUNT your full years instead of your lean,
COUNT your kind deeds instead of your mean,
COUNT your health instead of your wealth . . .
COUNT ON GOD instead of yourself