Many shut-ins have expressed their appreciation for the special attention they received for Valentines Day. They enjoyed the cookies, valentines, and especially, the visits from youth and adults.
Geraldine Scott is picking tangerines and planting green beans. She is enjoying that Florida sunshine while we are “enjoying” our freezing temperatures and slick roads. How about that???
Spring is almost here for us; the robins have arrived. Many have reported seeing large flocks recently.
We miss ya, Geraldine!!!!
Ellen Allman is back home and doing well. Hope you continue to grow stronger, Ellen.
Thank you from Bobbie Vance. “Thanks to each of you who remembered and paid your respects to my mother, Evelyn Burke. Please know you are appreciated.”
Thank you to Bob and Lynn Fultineer and family for the beautiful crib donated for use in the nursery.