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Thoughts from Rev. Miller Thoughts from Rev. Miller

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Thoughts from Rev. Miller

Posted on Tue, May 2, 2006


In our study of the book of James, Dean James talks to us about the school of life. He is an advocate for practical Christian service. He says "Faith without works is dead." Another translation that gets to the point of the matter is found in the New English Bible. It says "Faith that does not lead to action is a lifeless thing." So what James is trying to tell Christians who have made a profession of faith is that they must not just talk the talk, they must also walk the walk . We must prove our faith is the genuine article by what we do.

In the month of May, we have several opportunities for young and older alike to "walk" our faith. For example, on May 3rd at 6:00 p.m., all youth are to gather at the Garton Plaza for a Christian walk of prayer leading up to the National Day of Prayer the next day at the courthouse. On May 4th, we can participate by gathering at the courthouse at noon for the National Day of Prayer. On May 12th from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., all high school athletes, parents, coaches, and administers can come to Jackson's Mill for an All Sports Banquet featuring Mr. Danny Buggs, former West Virginia Receiver, who is active in the Fellowship of Christian Athletes. All of these events need our prayer, participation and our support. If you are interested in any or all of these events, please call Carla Pratt or me as soon as possible. If you participate, you will also be commended by Dean James as having the genuine article of saving faith. As he has said in James 1:22 "But prove yourselves doers of the word, and not merely hearers who delude themselves."

- In His Service, Ken

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