Posted on Sun, May 13, 2007
Thank God For Mom
Thank God For Mom
The following excerpts are requests made of moms on a regular basis.
1. Mom, where are my favorite jeans? Did you wash them yet?
2. Mom, I have a term paper to write. Will you help me decide on a topic?
3. Mom, I have to be at ball practice in 20 minutes, can you take me?
4. Mom, I am having trouble with my paper, will you help me edit it and help me with the conclusion?
5. Mom, can we go to Wal-Mart and get that game for my x box?
6. Mom, I’m going to the mall. Can I have some money? Ten dollars! Is that all?
7. Mom, I’m sick at school. Can you come and get me or send Dad?
8. Mom, can someone come and spend the night?
9. Mom, can we rent movies?
10. Mom, I have a problem. I made a mistake. Can you help me?
God certainly knew what He was doing when He gave us MOMS. He knew that human beings needed more love and caring and assistance than any other living organism he created. I guess you could say that the closest thing to God on earth is the love of a mother for her children. This Mother’s Day remember the wonderful things your mother did for you and find a tangible way to express your gratitude. After all, what would have become of us if it were not for our mothers?
- In His Service, Ken
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