Posted on Thu, Sep 6, 2007
Fall is quickly approaching and we are changing a few things and keeping some old things. The Christian Education Board is asking various groups to provide dinner for Sunday evening. There will also be a special study for six weeks called "Beating Busyness" in addition to our regular Sunday evening services. John Hall and Debbie Frick will be leading this study. Fifteen books have been ordered for this study so let Lynn Posey know as soon as possible if you are interested in attending this study so we will know if we need to order more books.
Sunday Night Dinner Schedule:
:2 - Holiday
9 - Rally Day/Picnic @ Fisher Camp
16 - Guy Ash Class
(B.Y.F., Clubs, Handbell Choir begin)
23 - Faith Class / C.E. Board
:14 - Chanticleer Choir (6:00 p.m.)
14 - Special Topic Class "Beating Busyness" (4:30 p.m.)
21 - Joy Class / Special Topic Class "Beating Busyness"
28 - Fidelis Class/Special Topic Class "Beating Busyness"
4 - Christian Ed. Board / Special Topic Class "Beating Busyness"
11 - Hospitality Committee / Special Topic Class "Beating Busyness"
18 - Guy Ash Class / Special Topic Class "Beating Busyness"
25 - Thanksgiving Holiday weekend
- Christmas Activities
No dinners again until March, April and May.
If any class has a conflict with an assigned date, please notify Lynn Posey (269-5421)
to make new arrangements.
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