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First Baptist Church of Weston First Baptist Church of Weston

Church Approves Keystone Bid & Other Projects Church Approves Keystone Bid & Other Projects

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Church Approves Keystone Bid & Other Projects

Posted on Sun, May 18, 2008

In a Special Business meeting held on Sunday, May 18th the church voted to accept Keystone's bid to renovate the exterior of our church and replace 100% of the border joints. The renovation will alow the church to look almost new and will last for around 35-40 years. The initial bid is set at $77,000 dollars and could be higher or less but not much according to the Trustee board.

Also the church accepted a $22,000 dollar bid to bring forced heat into the Sanctuary and Fellowship Hall replacing our steam heat system. Air conditioning units will also be installed to provide air in the Fellowship Hall. Steam piping will have to be removed by the church. The installation of this will most likely coincide with the renovation of the Fellowship Hall and Kitchen.

The elevator is also being mapped out to provide the best possible place for member's use.

Please be in prayer of our church as we undertake these projects in hopes that we will further achieve God's will.

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