Posted on Sun, Nov 6, 2005
The Murdocks, Landers, Wickland & Markses
"We would like to send special thanks to Rev. Miller for always being there for us during Carl's illness and on his final journey home. Also thanks to those responsible for preparing the wonderful meal for us after the service. Please continue keeping us in your prayers as we struggle to cope with life without Carl. God Bless You!" Sharon & Kim Murdock
"We thank those who sent cards, calls and prayers during the death of our beloved nephew, David M. Donaldson. We also thank Kim for her kindness in what she said about our nephew." Charles & Lucy Landers
"We would like to extend our sincere appreciation to all of you for your prayers and support during the loss of our wife, mother, and grandmother, Helen Marks. Special thanks to Rev. Miller for the prayer service and words of encouragement. Thanks so much to those who prepared and served lunch on the day of the funeral. God Bless You All" J.J. Marks & Family
Mildred Wickland expresses her heartfelt appreciation to you for your prayers and telephone calls during her recent illness.
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