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Thoughts from Rev. Miller Thoughts from Rev. Miller

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Thoughts from Rev. Miller

Posted on Thu, Dec 8, 2005


As I reflect on the 49 years of my life, I become keenly aware of my many blessings. I was born into a family that was loving and kind. My parents raised me in a Christian environment. Before long I received Christ as my Lord and Savior at a Baptist church camp. My father, after much immaturity on my part, convinced me to enroll in college. I had a campus minister that urged me to attend seminary. I found a wife who would put up with my flaws and idiosyncrasies. I have two healthy children. I have had the pleasure of serving four different churches. WOW, hasn't God been good to me! Why wouldn't I be thankful? Why wouldn't I praise him? However, there is something much more notable, much more substantially, much more incredible that I should be thankful for. What is it you ask?


Rick Warren puts it like this:

"If God never did anything for you, he would still deserve your continued praise for the rest of your life because of what Jesus did for you on the cross."


This is the greatest reason for praise.

Words cannot describe the darkness of that moment. Why did God allow and endure such ghostly, evil mistreatment? Why? So you and I could be spared from an eternity in Hell, and so you would share in His glory forever.

The Bible says, "Christ was without sin, but for our sake, God made Him share our sin in order that in union with Him, we might share the righteousness of God." 2 Corinthians 5:21 "Jesus gave up everything so you and I could live forever." That alone is worthy of your continual praise. That is why I should be thankful. That is why we all should be thankful.

- In His Service, Ken

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